Project Background
Located in Northwest Roanoke, Eureka Recreation Center is heavily used throughout the year for after school programs as well as athletics and event rentals. The building was originally constructed in 1965, and was found to have the most condition issues in a 2019 department-wide facilities assessment. The facility has inadequate recreational spaces and antiquated mechanical/structural systems in various states of disrepair and obsolescence. For these reasons, redevelopment of the Eureka Recreation Center was identified as a top need in the Parks and Recreation 10-year Master Plan. In 2021, the City of Roanoke allocated $9.4 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to the Redevelopment of Eureka Recreation Center. In July of 2022, an additional $5 million was added to this project.
With a total of $14.4 million, this will be the largest investment in a single project in Roanoke Parks and Recreation history.
Through this redevelopment project, the Eureka Recreation Center will better serve both youth and those young-at-heart by providing opportunities to participate in team sports, one-on-one play, classes, programs, activities, games, and community functions. Improvements and modernization to the facility will spark and reenergize the surrounding neighborhoods, providing a welcoming social center for residents.
Keep up to date with this project by following @PlayRoanoke on social media (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter), checking back here for updates, and joining the contact list below.
Project Highlights
The Eureka Rec Center is anticipated to begin construction at the end of summer 2024 programming. The current timeline anticipates completion by spring 2026. Some of the design features include:
- 16,463 sqft building: This includes renovation of the existing facility, with new 5,750 sqft addition
- Double the classroom capacity for P.L.A.Y. After School Program
- Gym improvements: Upgraded flooring, HVAC, and seating replacements
- New multi-use Community Room, Bathrooms, and Staff Workspace: These changes will enable the facility to return to regular open hours for the community, even while the after school program is in session
- Double the parking capacity: This design includes 56 total parking spaces (current capacity is 26)
- Landscape improvements: Spacious event lawn with ADA path, and planting of 140 new trees
- This project is on track for LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Certification
- Interior & exterior public art opportunities incorporated into plans
- ADA walking path
- New picnic pavilion and redeveloped outdoor basketball court
- Sustainability: This will be the City’s first building using geothermal energy, and will also have solar panels.
- 140 new trees
- Beginning of Construction: September 2024
Eureka Rec Center Construction – November 2024
- Anticipated Completion: Spring 2026
August 2024:
- Groundbreaking Held Thursday, August 22, 2024
- Center Closed after conclusion of summer programming in August 2024
July 2023
- Public Meeting: Held July 25 with opportunity for in-person attendance or viewing of livestream (see recording here). View information shared at the meeting here.
April 2023
- Public Meeting: Held April 11, 2023 with opportunity for in-person attendance or viewing of livestream (see recording below).
January 2023
- View feedback gathered at the January Community Engagement Meeting here.
- Community Engagement Meeting: Held January 24, 2023. View information shared at the meeting here.
- Engagement with Youth: The Planning and Development Coordinator met with PLAY Roanoke After School students at Eureka Center, a student group at Lucy Addison Middle School, and a CommUNITY ARTS-reach youth fellowship event to discuss the redevelopment project and engage in visioning exercises, activities, and crafts.
December 2022
- View feedback gathered at Community Engagement Meeting and via the online survey here.
- Online Survey: An online survey was available from December 6 through December 30 for those unable to attend the in-person community engagement meeting.
Community Engagement Meeting: Roanoke Parks and Recreation invites residents to a community engagement meeting regarding the redevelopment of Eureka Recreation Center. The meeting will be held at the Melrose Branch Library Community Room on Tuesday, December 6 from 6:00-7:30 p.m. For those unable to attend in-person, there is a survey link above to provide feedback. View information shared at the meeting here.
May 2022
Washington Park Basketball Court Dedication & Tournament: PLAY Roanoke held a dedication/ribbon cutting for the Ricky Renell Wright Basketball courts at Washington Park upper, followed by a free 3 v 3 tournament. The Planning and Development Coordinator set up a booth with information on the redevelopment project to discuss with community members.
November 2021
Eureka Fall Festival: PLAY Roanoke held a free community fall festival at Eureka Park. The Planning and Development Coordinator set up a booth with information on the redevelopment project to discuss with community members.
October 2021
Met with After School Students: The Planning and Development Coordinator met with PLAY Roanoke After School students at Eureka Center to discuss the redevelopment project and engage in visioning exercises, activities, and crafts.
Key Events for Reimagine Recreation
Artist in Residence
Robyn Mitchell is the City of Roanoke Artist in Residence for the Eureka Park Renovation Project.
Robyn Mitchell, owner of Lovelight Design Studio works at the intersection of creativity, entrepreneurship, design, consulting, and social justice. Providing design services for a wide range of civic and nonprofit organizations, Robyn is building a broad portfolio of clients while pushing her creativity into new arenas. As an artist in residence, Robyn will engage neighbors and stakeholders in arts based participation strategies around the development of a new community center in Roanoke’s Eureka Park. Learn more at
Stay tuned! More details on Robyn’s work with this project will be coming soon.