Urban Forestry in Roanoke, Virginia

Unlike many cities its size, Roanoke is home to 158 types of trees that span more than 13,146 acres of tree canopy. As a result of Roanoke’s commitment to and care of its trees, it has been designated a Tree City USA. Roanoke Parks and Recreation’s Urban Forestry team provides regular maintenance based on staff observations or by citizen request. Routine maintenance is done to protect newly planted trees.

Report a Tree Concern

If you have a tree concern, please call 540-853-2000 or use the iRoanoke app to report it.

Plant a Tree in Roanoke

If you are a property owner and would like to plant a street tree on city property between the sidewalk and street, please fill out this application and submit it to William West, Roanoke Parks and Recreation Urban Forestry Coordinator at william.west@roanokeva.gov or the Parks and Recreation Main Office at 215 Church Ave. SW, Unit 303, Roanoke VA 24011.


Donate a Commemorative Tree

Commemorative trees are the perfect way to celebrate and pay tribute to loved ones, organizations and causes that you care about while helping the environment. Donated trees may be tax deductible. 

For a $700 donation, you will receive: A size-able tree planted on City of Roanoke property, a special memento sent to the honoree or donor, and a commemorative sign installed beside the tree. 

If you are interested in a Commemorative Tree, please note that planting season is November to March, applications are open from now until October. please download the Commemorative Tree Form and follow instructions. 

Arbor Day Celebration

Every year, Roanoke Parks and Recreation’s Urban Forestry team organizes Arbor Day celebrations. National Arbor Day takes place on the last Friday in April each year.

Roanoke Urban Forestry and Volunteer Tree Stewards Plant Trees for Arbor Day

Urban Forestry Plan

The City has an Urban Forestry Plan adopted by City Council as part of the city’s comprehensive plan.


Roanoke Tree Steward Training

To help protect the local tree ecosystem, Roanoke Parks and Recreation’s Urban Forestry division offers volunteer Tree Stewards training each year.

Tree Stewards help care for young trees on city-owned property. The 26-hour training begins with nine classes held on Monday nights. Once the in-class training is complete, volunteers attend three field sessions held on Saturday mornings during the spring. The in-field training focuses on tree planting, pruning, and tree identification. Once qualified, Roanoke Tree Stewards complete a minimum of 30 hours of work during their first year and 20 hours in subsequent years. Volunteers may also give educational presentations to adults and children.

For more information, please contact William West, Urban Forestry Coordinator, at william.west@roanokeva.gov or at 540-853-1994.

Tree Steward Video Series

Donate your spruce tree for the holidays

Please fill out this form if you are interested in donating your spruce tree to the City of Roanoke for its downtown winter festivities. If your tree is selected and meets our criteria, Roanoke Parks and Recreation’s Urban Forestry team will remove the tree from your property at no charge.

Nominate Your Tree

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