Loading Activities
05/10/24 - 05/10/24
6:30pm - 8:30pm
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Música do Círculo – Circle Music Workshop

Circle Music (Música do Círculo) is a form of community singing that was pioneered by Brazilian musicians and songleaders in São Paulo, Brazil (Zuza Gonçalves, Ronaldo Crispim, and Pedro Consorte). It utilizes improvisational singing, body percussion, movement, playfulness, and more.
Joy Truskowski, local songleader and co-facilitator for Star City Circlesinging, will teach you the basic principles and games that she learned during her Música do Círculo facilitation training online and in Brazil. You’ll learn the philosophy and elements behind the method and some games that incorporate those elements. This is great for anyone who would like to learn more about some of the community singing practices we use in Star City Circlesinging. This is also great for therapists, facilitators, musicians, or other leaders who would like more tools to help them connect groups of people.
This is free for anyone to participate. Pre-registration is appreciated but not required. Be ready to move and make noise!